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Writer's pictureEric Grate - Lead Writer

How About An Update?

Folks, it's been a while since I have written here on the blog. That was not the plan. It just sort of happened. As much as I would like to write all day, every day, I still have a day job (that I love as much as writing) and other duties that I must attend to on one schedule or another. That being said, I will try my best to do better going forward.

So, to give you an update as to where I am at with my first book, "The Streets of Greenfield." The plan is to have sixteen short stories in the book. At this point, I have completed eight, and I have another six in progress. My style of writing is to jump back and forth between stories instead of just concentrating on one at a time. I have found that works for me, as my attention span is much too short to focus on only one. Two other stories exist in name only, but I have them pretty much completed in my head. It's just a matter of getting them into written words.

Probably the biggest piece of news that I have to share is that I have moved my target publishing date up a full year! That's right. One full year. So, instead of shooting for the Spring of 2024, I am targeting just after Memorial Day 2023. How am I going to do that, you ask? I have decided instead of sending my manuscript to publishers, and hoping one will bite, I will self-publish the book and get it out there much faster. There are several reasons for this, and I will write more about it later. For now, it's sufficient to say that I will get the book on the market much faster, will get to keep publishing writes on my copyrighted work, and will be able to move on to my second book quicker. Don't forget, I'm fifty-seven years old. I know, I don't look it, but I am. But I digress.

On the marketing front, I have teamed up with Jen Vaughn, an incredible artist from Lawrenceburg, KY, to make charcoal sketches of some of the characters from "The Streets of Greenfield." We are making high-speed videos of Jen while she draws, so you can literally see the characters come to life. I will start releasing the videos in a few weeks as I begin a big marketing push to coincide with the publication of the book. Look for the videos to be released on Instagram and on this website before they are visible anywhere else. If you don't follow me on Instagram, please do so. You will find me at @thegrateeric. While you are on Instagram, look for Jen as well. She is @bravewingsart. You will be amazed at some of her art.

On the business side of things, I have formed a new LLC. The name is "E.C. Grate Creative Content, LLC." I went with that as, in addition to writing, I am interested in getting back into photography and producing prints that are suitable for display in the home or office. I will most likely conduct my writing ventures as "Coal Shed Publishing" and my photography as "Eric Grate Photography." Two distinct ventures under one business entity for legal and tax purposes. I have also set up my Amazon account to sell my books. That's exciting!

So, that should bring everyone up to date. I want to say just how much I appreciate everyone's support as I strive to put this all together. I am very grateful. please continue to spread the word by sharing my posts and encouraging your family and friends to subscribe to this page and follow my Facebook page, "Eric Grate - Writer."

Until next time!

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